Q- How to make a booking with BestAirFares?
Finding and booking your flight to your desired destination is quick and hassle-free. Simply visit bestairfares.uk and utilize our user-friendly filters to discover the best flight options for your selected travel date. If you encounter any issues while searching for your flight or have any questions prior to booking, don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer service team at 0203 004 0566 for expert assistance.
Q- How do I get to know if my bookings is confirmed?
Once your booking is confirmed, you will receive an email from us with all the details. Please check both your inbox and spam folder within 24 hours. If you don’t find the confirmation email, feel free to reach out to us for assistance.
At BestAirFares, we do not impose any fees for booking your flight tickets over the phone. Any charges you may encounter are determined by the supplier and may vary based on the ticket issuance process.
Q- What is the procedure of getting and E-ticket?
E-Ticket Convenience: When you book your flight with BestAirFares, you have the option to receive an E-ticket, which will be delivered to you promptly. E-tickets offer enhanced security and convenience, eliminating concerns about misplacement, damage, or loss. Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your travel information is safely stored and easily accessible.
Q- How can I transfer my ticket on someone else’s name?
Unfortunately, changing the name on a flight ticket is not permitted. However, you can cancel the original ticket and rebook a new one under the correct name. This way, you’ll receive a ticket that accurately reflects the updated passenger information.
Q- What is the age criteria for infant and children?
Age Classification for Travel
Please note that infants do not have an assigned seat and are required to travel on an adult's lap throughout the journey.
Q- How can I confirm my flight status?
To ensure a smooth travel experience, you can reach out to the airline directly 72 hours before your departure to reconfirm your flight status.
Q- How do I check the passport validation & visa requirement of my flight reservation?
Passports and Visas
To ensure a smooth journey, your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay. Before booking your ticket, we strongly recommend consulting with your local embassy or relevant authority for specific entry requirements. If you're traveling to the USA or transiting through it, an ESTA visa is required. Similarly, an ETA visa is necessary for travel to or transiting through Australia.
In cases where your itinerary involves flights between different airports, it’s your responsibility to arrange the necessary transfers and verify any transit visa requirements.
Check-In Recommendations
For optimal travel experience, always verify check-in times with your airline. We suggest arriving at least two hours before departure for short-haul flights and at least three hours for long-haul journeys. Be sure to allocate extra time if you need to collect tickets upon departure (e.g., Ticket on Departure).
Q-Is my money financially protected?
Booking Protection: Absolutely! When you purchase a flight-inclusive holiday package or a Flight-Plus booking through our website, your investment is protected by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) under our ATOL number. For more details about your protection, please visit the CAA website.
Q-What are the payment methods you use for charging the ticket booking amount?
We offer a variety of convenient payment methods for your flight bookings:
Q-How can I request for cancellation of my flight booking?
Cancellation Instructions
If you’ve booked a ticket with a low-cost airline, please contact the airline directly for cancellation using the details provided after your booking.
For tickets with regular airlines, you can reach out to us via phone or email to process your cancellation prior to departure. To ensure a smooth and efficient process, please have your booking reference handy when you contact us.
Please be aware that there may be administrative charges associated with the cancellation of flight tickets from regular airlines.
Q- What are the charges of a flight ticket cancellation?
Please be aware that certain fares are non-refundable once booked. However, in some cases, airlines may permit cancellations for a fee. If the airline allows for a cancellation, please note that an additional administrative fee will be charged by BestAirFares, on top of any fees imposed by the airline.
Q- How much time it take in refund process?
Most tickets are non-changeable and non-refundable. However, if any portion of your ticket is eligible for a refund, please allow 6 to 8 weeks for processing after we receive your cancellation request and written details.
Q-What’s my baggage allowance?
Baggage Allowance Information: Baggage allowances can vary significantly between airlines, including traditional carriers like KLM, Air France, and British Airways, as well as budget airlines like EasyJet. Typically, scheduled airlines offer a complimentary allowance for checked luggage along with a small amount of hand luggage for the cabin. However, these allowances may differ based on your destination and the specific airline, so please reach out to us at the number provided in your confirmation email for the exact weight limits.
Budget airlines generally charge for checked baggage, and this option should have been presented to you during the booking process, with details included in your flight confirmation. Additionally, hand luggage is subject to strict size and weight restrictions as specified by the airline. If you have any questions or need clarification, don’t hesitate to contact us using the number in your confirmation email.
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